- आज की सबसे बड़ी सुर्खियाँ | सिर्फ एक Click पर पाएं ताज़ा अपडेट्स | Ujjain Live
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- दिल्ली के नवनिर्वाचित उपमुख्यमंत्री प्रवेश वर्मा ने किए महाकाल के दर्शन, मंदिर समिति ने किया विशेष सम्मान; धार के दामाद हैं दिल्ली के उपमुख्यमंत्री प्रवेश वर्मा
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एडवांस कॉलेज

Since the ancient time ujjainhas been known for its rich culture of education. Lord Krishna received his formal education with his brother Balram here from the Devine source i.e. Guru Sandipani. Keeping this fact in vision. “Ujjaini Somanth Kripa Siksha Samiti” founded “The Advance College of Science & Commerce” on 1st July 2003.
Late Shree Mukesh ji Gupta, the founder Chairman of the college put all the efforts to start this college. To serve the nation and society through the holy means of education within a very little period of seven years. The institute has earned enormous name and fame in the field of higher Education and still heading on the path of success satisfaction of those who keep faith deeply in it.